Friday, March 16, 2007

Once again, it's time.....

when you have to do some "spring" cleaning in the yard......... now, for the past 3 summers I have actually held down a job....go figure (that is not easy for me...ADD). The Ironman has been the one doing most of the outside chores. I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather of late and tackle a couple of challenges. #1.... the Ironman likes to usetools with power....lots of power. The hedges in front of our home have begun to look likea ski slope! I think when Randy got hold of the electric hedge trimmer..... he trimmed, and trimmed.....all at a slant.... so now I am trying to fix that..It took him 3 years to get it that way so it will take me awhile to fix it. #2... when we moved into this home about 9 years ago.... the yard was beautiful... I mean the grass....but... the 'ol big red oak tree has gotten ALOT bigger......I am gettin' pretty tired of describing my home to people declaring that "it is the home with a dirt front yard!!" so.... we are now seeding some, I go to TG know, a nursery. I took Ashley with me for support....we walked in....there were a couple of men talking (imagine that)... Ash and I stood there.... we stood there....we stood there.... then came another man... I will call him Bubba. Bubba never acknowledged us...but he made sure that he got his dip of skoal in his mouth....we stood there....we stood there....Bubba stood there...finally...the other employee, I will call him "not so cool guy".... thinks he is the brains of the operation. Finally...not so cool guy asked what we needed. Here is my chance... "I need some fescue seeds...thin blade....we would like the grass to end up being pretty dark if possible..." NSCG said "where ya gonna put it?" In the front see, we used to have "tiff" grass there but the BIG RED OAK has gotten so big that there is no grass...I said.............He you are going to have to putsome sort of border around the tree where you want the fescue or the burmuda is gonna take over!!!" Hello mr. not so cool guy....did you not hear me??? I said there is not any grass under there, so it will not matter....Mr. nscg said....well that burmuda will kill out any fescue you plant and you will need some sort of a border... Ash said....there is not any grass....I said there is not any grass....Bubba piped up and said ...there is not any grass! I think mr. nscg finally got it! So, on we go..... we get the fescue and some compost... Ash heads out to the car with another guy (he was very nice)...I stay in to pay.... ok..Mr. NSCG.. you are driving me took him forever....maybe I should just call him"Big Budda"...cause he thought he was "all that"!! So, I finally get to the car...sat down..and told Ashley..."That guy must have a little..........oh Shari stop!!!! I cannot tell you exactly what I said because I want this blog thing to be G rated.... Next time you see me...just ask what I always say when guys think they are "all that".... Now,Back on track...
Fescue planted...half of the hedge trimmed...still have other side of front hedge to arrived.....just what shall I do?? I had planned on finishing the I head out to the back yard to empty my trash cans..just so I can refill I stepped over all of the dead cannas (plants)...I thought...hmmmm...I think I will clean up these first..because they will drive me crazy if I have to walk over them all day...cut, cut, cut, cut...rake, rake, rake, Ash calls....where are you?....again....I start quickly explaining....again...just who is the parent.....Why, I am in the back yard cleaning....she says...oh, yuck....cause she knows what a mess it is...back to work....Amanda calls....same story........back to work......remember, I am I bounced around creating several different bigger messes....I decided I was hungry...what do I want....a Big Mac! What!! I never want a big mac..........and fries................yes, they sound good.........what! I never eat fries.... what is wrong with me...I think the sun is frying my brain... well..I do need to go buy some mulch for the flower beds...hmm... I could just go through the drive through at Mickey D' Shari.......... just eat lunch some more.....bend, stand, rake,bend, stand, rake....carry stuff to dumpster.......Big I could go to Walmart to get the mulch and since they have a Mickey D's inside, I will just take care of two things at once.... so off I go...

As I am driving to Walmart.... I have to stop at a red light... I look in my rear view mirror....the man behind me was driving a blue expedition...he reminded me of one of our former neighbors....slightly balding, mustache,, the arrow comes on for us to turn. I usually like to give myself a little room between myself and the car infront of me..I do not want to become a suppository......... so... I have not even had a chance to take my footoff of the brake and he began honking at me....the nerve of him.... I looked in my rearview mirror and saw his hands flailing in the air.....luckily, not the middle finger, I raised my hand in the know, like asking a question....he held his up again....once we turned....he blew passed know, giving me the I could have driven on top of the cars in front of me so he could get he passed....I noticed a big dent in his bumper.........hmmm.....I wonder........did some one get mad at him for taking off slow at a light? hmmmm........he looked stupid! If anyone knows this person...please tell him I would like to have a word! My guess is...he must havea little........ oh stop Shari......

So, I return from my adventure....start to work again....I could only think of 4 little creatures.....Amanda and Matts 2 dogs...Boston Terriers.....Baxter and Bella....AKA TheB's, Aka Killer B's, AKA Black and white units.....AND Ashley and Jeffreys 2 little dogs...are we call them the Baloneys....their names are Tabbitha Joe, and Roofus Jones......they are little brown dogs....AkA...Tabby Joe...Aka Roofy....Aka...Roofus R Jones, only when he is in trouble......... these dogs are adorable....most of the time.... they love our, I mean .... they LOVE our backyard....we now have NO grass in our backyard.....they own our backyard.....they are the best excavation crew any one could have!!Why is it that they always dig in the same spot?? They love to dig....I think they think that the backyard is "Stallog 13" and they are going to dig a tunnel down the alley to the golf freedom...and lots of places to peeeeeeeee! Not long ago....of course, another hole dug....Bella decided to rip open a bag of Kingsford Charcoals....wasn't that nice of her?....she even spread them out...and put some in the hole.... Amanda said that Bella just thought we needed a fire pit in the helpful. Today.... I picked up alot of reimnants of their adventures....stuffing from cushions, dog bones, paper they have shreadded......charcoals........everytime Roofy tee tees...he has to wipe off his feetby pushing every bit of mulch I have in one flowerbed out...he is just helping! I am goingto teach him how to push it back in someday! Baxter usually doesn't tear up much...but poor little guy,he has crazy eyes......he sees shadows....and he licks, he really LICKS I have some of the cleanest outside walls in Lubbock! Tabby Joe likes to flirt with "Fred" next door, he is a beagle....they bark alot....ALOT.....Baxter gets in on that too.... Now, Miss Bella can melt you with her big 'ol eyes....she kinda gets things started....and then looks at"what?"....She likes to tear up stuff....and chew on stuff.....and lick you in the face....that would be fine except....shhhh...she likes to eat her poop! So, ya gotta be careful when she gets close to your face!! Yes, reimnants are all around me as I work...each dog with their own personality.....Randy fills the holes that are dug.....the dogs empty them...he fills...they empty....we laugh....we chuckle about them.....we love them.....we clean up after I finished the back yard....Randy filled the holes again......he said....."yup, It will last til Sunday when the dogs are here".....then...he will fill them again...etc.etc.etc.....

I do not look pretty today.... I am not a pretty sight.....all day.... I have worn some baggy wind pants......ugly "tenny" shoes.......a tank top....a little too little tank I bend to and fro, up and down.... my pants ride down.... my underwear shows...I don't I know how those teen age boys feel....let them show, .....I'm working here....I am sure it was gross looking.... Ash came to see me..... I think to make sure I was really working like I told her I was....just checking up on me......... after she watched me a bit....she underwear shows...I proudly said....I know....and began walking around like a cool dude.....Mom....she are crazy........ I think heat stroke is setting in..... I am filthy....take a deep breath..........dirt......smells good......feels good.........nothing better than to look back over your hard work for the day...yes, it is worth it.... cannot wait til the dogs come back over.....Roofy will be so excited..he will not know where to pee first.... Bella will look for something to chew on....Randy and I are sure that our wicker furniture will be toothpicks by july.....Baxter will just see lots of shadows....his tongue will probably get a splinter in it.........Tabby Joe will keep her place at the fence barking at Fred.......all the while.... Sydney Ann (my dog) will sit by the back door...oversee this circus....and will wonder when the she will see taillights......Once is good! Spring is here...oh boy!

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April 2006