Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Never enough time...

why is it that there is never enough time to do the things we are supposed to do because we are doing the things we want to do? Some days, I feel like a dog that is chasing his tail!! I have got so much that I want to do......but then I look around me and see all that I need to do.....and then.... I disregard it all and come sit down at this darn computer!!! You may be wondering why I have not posted a new blog in a few days.... me too!... I have had a few problems getting "logged" on!...shouldn't that be "blogged" on??? My mind has so much stuff in it that I want to say...but I cannot spit it out fast enough.

Being a "granna" is wonderful.... not only do I get to "hold" one baby..... but I get to go to doctor visits with the other baby that is still incased in my babys tummy! Yesterday was one of those days. Wow, have things changed! You know I had two babies.... over the centuries, I am sure of two things......how the baby gets in there, and how the baby gets out! There....that said........everything else inbetween has changed to one way and back again and to another way, and back again! It is strange sitting in a doctors office...with your baby daughter....listening to the heartbeat of your baby daughters son! Cool!! Ashley does not seem old enough to be going through this stuff....but actually, she is. Now, you have to understand that this is the child that would scream when a nurse would come at her with a needle.....and I mean scream..... she was not bashful!! We would have to hold her down to get a shot.....to see her now is amazing! Now, I think she still does not like needles....just like me..........but, I think she has come to the realization that during this "birthing" process....she may get a "shot"! She had decided that she would probably have an "epidural".....She and Jeffrey have been going to childbirth class.....guess what?.... they showed an epidural "needle"....hmmm........ she is pretty sure that the pain of childbirth will not be that bad ..... without the epidural! ha! I actually gave birth to both my daughters without any "pain" aid........ needles scare the be~jezzus out of me too! There is NO way that I was going to get "stuck" in my back.... my back of all places..... there is no padding there.... ouch........... but we will see what Ash decides to do......... she has a high pain tolerance...... hmm...... childbirth...... how wonderful.

Years ago... the fathers were not allowed in the delivery room.....in the "old" days....basically, the mothers were "knocked" out and woke up to a baby.......then... fathers were incouraged to be in on the delivery......then......families were incouraged in the room..............then.. only the fathers..... then some babies were born "underwater"..... Mothers were incouraged to have the babys "all Natural".... just what is ALL NATURAL? Now, mothers say....epidural is the only way to go..... some were born in fancy rooms that converted.....now days.... the babies are usually born in that "conversion" room place.....the family waits very patiently out in the hall....(if you believe that...then you are not very smart).... the new daddy walks out in the hall with the new cutie.... and .....life is good. In the old days.....hospital identification tags were NOT promptly placed on everyone........ now it is like security around the White House...... thank goodness!

Remember when....we were told not to lay your baby on their back to fall asleep? Then we were told to lay your baby on their back to go to sleep...... at what age to begin feeding solid foods??? How long inbetween bowel movements......would be acceptable.........???? Cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers............. Tylenol? or not to Tylenol.......... Gas drops.....what are those? The infant seat that converts to their car seat???? Whats up with that? We used to just lay our babies on the seat of the car!! Breast milk.....similac....pro sobee......enfamil..........choices, choices, choices...... organic food or just regular food.....

I think if you are a reasonably intelligent person.....then...all these new~fangled things are wonderful and make "raising" a baby very easy..........however, nothing changes the fact of "no sleep", "no privacy", "no money", "little sanity", "lots of stress"...... for atleast the next 18 years...no, actually.............Amanda is 25 years old........and we still experience all of this stuff... I think you start over again when you learn that grandchildren are on the way...........I am having fun. Nope.... I do not get much done around the house............ as long as Randy does not complain.... I will keep my sanity. I am always willing to drop whatever I am doing when the girls call.... I do not want to miss a minute of spending time with them or my grandchildren..... when my life is over here on this earth...... I am sure no one is going to say..."you know, I heard that she rarely cleaned her home....." The will KNOW where my prioritys were.......... my family! I love my family.....my daughters, sons in laws, Taylor, Nickolas............and allllll the rest.

Not enough time in the day.....oh well........ what really matters? Carpe Deim!! Live life to its fullest......... do what you want to do!


Ashley Elizabeth! said...

Well... your a nut! Your house isn't as bad you lead on!!! Besdies whats the point of cleaning and picking it all up when you have 4 grandpuppies that will just destroy all your hard work?!?!? I actually think you are just being smart about things!!

Taterbug's Momma said...

The Tot and I were watching toons this morning and there was one called "The Backyardigans" little animals that all of their houses share a backyard and they all meet there to play.... I think that is what you should call your "granddogger" :) I thought it was cute! cgt km,b mmmmmmmmmmmmm b (That was the Tot saying "I love you, Granna!!")

Leta said...

Hey, I, being your MOM, actually know that you are a real SUPERWOMAN, bouncing around from project to project, getting things done, and the house is NOT that bad!!!! In the last six months, I happen to know that you have had a grandbaby, made a "baby" room at your house, made trips to Amarillo to visit that grandbaby, helped move the parents and that grandbaby back to Lubbock (from Amarillo), played with your grandson (while Amanda could do other things), helped Ashley get her Nickolas' nursery planned, played with the grandson, painted your high chair and made cushions for it, even made cushions for your rocker and Ashley's, played with the tot, numerous trips to "The Mud Room" to make Christmas gifts for all,
played with the tot, painted the hallway, the living room, and now working on the sunroom (ceiling and all), and since you've taken up sewing, you have made NUMEROUS baby gifts for other mothers, plus your daughters!, played with the tot, had a garage sale at your house, played with the tot, and let's not forget the beautiful glass jewelry things that you have made with your kiln and dremel tool. You've played with your grandson, and dreamed of the the next little one that will be here soon, AND.....those are JUST the things that I know of!!! (and can remember), so what if you think important things such as housekeeping are getting left by the wayside...you will SOON have two of those precious grandbabies to enjoy...Taylor and Nickolas!!!! What a fun time in the Holloway household that will be! No, I think you have your act together, and remember grandbabies don't wait, either....they grow up to be Mommies and Daddys, but they will still be just as precious to you...Love you, Mom


April 2006