Thursday, March 29, 2007


Why do we call it a Laundry "Mat"? Funny how you refer to something all of your life and then when you decide to write about it, it sounds odd! When I was growing up, sometimes we had to go to "town" and go to the laundry mat. Either the washer and dryer were not functioning, or mom just decided to get all of the laundry "done" at one time. Anyhow, when it became "in town laundry day" was exciting for a little girl........first, we had to find a "bunch" of quarters, then we had to separate the clothes, pull out all of the laundry baskets, gather the hangers.....laundry detergent.........etc............... I thought it was cool. My favorite part was getting to get a snack out of the vending machines! I would look at the bulletin boards and see what all was posted....seems like alot of babysitting want~a~beeees..........but my most favorite part was watching the laundry mat attendant! It was cool how they wiped down the washing machines after one was used......they would wipe down the clothes folding tables........... I thought that was the coolest job in the world! Of course, I quickly out grew that desire the older I got!

After I married Randy, laundry day would come all too fast! He worked on the farm with my dad! He wore most of the grease and dirt home on his clothes..........then I learned about "pre~treating". I also began ironing ............not so good at first though. One day, Randy and dad were at the "coffee" shop and dad happened to look at Randys "button" shirt...then he looked down at his "button" shirt...........both were kinda wrinkled but the part where the buttons were was flipped over in an un~canny crease!! Dad said something like "I guess they do laundry alike"..... oh well...........

Through the years, I ironed EVERYTHING.........jeans, T~shirts, polos, dress shirts............I became, I became....."one with the iron"!!!! Now that the girls are gone........I have gotten extremely lax on ironing.............. I still love the nice "crisp" feel of freshly ironed fabric.......but I do not stress over it though. let me get back to the laundry mat business..........

I still go to the laundry Mat when I wash my bed spread.............or............when I have a failure of my washer or dryer............ my, how things have changed. When I used to go.........I would dig through the couches, pockets, gather enough quarters for the machines...........All the machines..........yes, vending too! Ten dollars would go a long way and sometimes I would have some left over. is different! Yes, very different. The place that I go to ...the machines do not take quarters..............they do not take "money"... I looked like a goof~ball the first time I tried to use the "new fangled" laundry mat. Some of the washing machines look different... kinda like little dryers.......they have numbers on them ........ like 45.....and took me several visits before I realized that was just a fancy way of saying..."bigger than regular loads" and "big, big loads"...or "the mother load"!! The washing machines used to cost maybe 50 "Big Mama" cost about $3.50 a load..............the dryers..........go figure.....24 cents for a few now you wonder how I pay for these things..:::::

You NEED to take alot of cash... I mean alot "presidential flashcards"...........then you go to this wall that looks something like Las Vegas......... hmmmmmmm.... you need to get a "card", looks like a credit card..........but it will cost you a dollar! Then you can "fill~up" the card with can only use $5 dollar bills or $1 dollar bills........... so I stand there with a $20.00 dollar bill............hmmmm..........then there is the "change maker".... I put the $20 in and got back 4 crisp $5 dollar bills........... Then I move back to the card machine and put in one bill at a time to "load my card".............. The card is now filled with $$$$$ and I am ready to go..........

So.... this week was one of those dryer had a bearing "going out" could hear it for "miles"............Randy was leaving town, so I had to have him some clothes........... so off to the "laundry mat". It was a monday evening...............what ever happened to everyone getting their laundry "done" on the weekend? The place was packed. I was not about to try to find another took me too long to figure out how to use this one. Since I do not go very often....... I do not have any laundry baskets :( but thats ok......... I've got trash bags and paper sacks............yeah buddy.......... I was cool............. I hauled everything in........spotted out every "open" washing machine.......... I am sure I was "stared" at.........but I managed to "load" my money card without looking stupid! Everything started.......ahhhhhhh...........just my favorite part...the vending me a diet coke and peanut butter cheese crackers! Perfect.

So I look around me..........young couple with baby.........a little crying.....kid fussing.......guys around looking like the "walking" dead.........the late 50ish guy flirting with the late 40ish woman......yuck, grossed me out! Two college girls came in together.......they sounded like dropped some clothes on the floor...she must have picked up a pair of panties that would fit barbie....damn her........mine look like they would fit "mama cass"..... The attendant.....awwww........he has a good job...... wipes everything........keeps everything clean........brings back memories....... washing machines almost finished.........had to spot out a "clothes folding table".........found is good! Then the 2 college girls grabbed the two tables next to, they were not folding clothes........they were sitting on the tables, one studying and one talking on her phone...........the nerve of them!! I was taught it was rude to sit on tables......and it was rude to take up a table if you were not folding clothes yet!!! I got to hear the whole phone convo..... lots of 4 letter words!! hmmmmmm....... I just wondered what their mothers would say it they could see the rudeness....... oh well...........they probably learned it from their moms! I am glad that I had a good teacher.............Mom taught me well. Thank you mom!

As I finish up the laundry............I realize how blessed I am to not have to grace this place is is is fun.............. it is different.......... it is not so bad afterall.......... I load up my clean clothes in my brown paper sacks.... haul them all out to the car..........go back in to "double check" that I picked up everything.........Done! All the laundry is "done".......took about 2 1/2 hours............take a deep breath..........fabric softner.......smells good doesn't it? .....Yes, life is good!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Never enough time...

why is it that there is never enough time to do the things we are supposed to do because we are doing the things we want to do? Some days, I feel like a dog that is chasing his tail!! I have got so much that I want to do......but then I look around me and see all that I need to do.....and then.... I disregard it all and come sit down at this darn computer!!! You may be wondering why I have not posted a new blog in a few days.... me too!... I have had a few problems getting "logged" on!...shouldn't that be "blogged" on??? My mind has so much stuff in it that I want to say...but I cannot spit it out fast enough.

Being a "granna" is wonderful.... not only do I get to "hold" one baby..... but I get to go to doctor visits with the other baby that is still incased in my babys tummy! Yesterday was one of those days. Wow, have things changed! You know I had two babies.... over the centuries, I am sure of two the baby gets in there, and how the baby gets out! There....that said........everything else inbetween has changed to one way and back again and to another way, and back again! It is strange sitting in a doctors office...with your baby daughter....listening to the heartbeat of your baby daughters son! Cool!! Ashley does not seem old enough to be going through this stuff....but actually, she is. Now, you have to understand that this is the child that would scream when a nurse would come at her with a needle.....and I mean scream..... she was not bashful!! We would have to hold her down to get a see her now is amazing! Now, I think she still does not like needles....just like me..........but, I think she has come to the realization that during this "birthing" process....she may get a "shot"! She had decided that she would probably have an "epidural".....She and Jeffrey have been going to childbirth class.....guess what?.... they showed an epidural "needle"....hmmm........ she is pretty sure that the pain of childbirth will not be that bad ..... without the epidural! ha! I actually gave birth to both my daughters without any "pain" aid........ needles scare the be~jezzus out of me too! There is NO way that I was going to get "stuck" in my back.... my back of all places..... there is no padding there.... ouch........... but we will see what Ash decides to do......... she has a high pain tolerance...... hmm...... childbirth...... how wonderful.

Years ago... the fathers were not allowed in the delivery the "old" days....basically, the mothers were "knocked" out and woke up to a baby.......then... fathers were incouraged to be in on the delivery......then......families were incouraged in the room..............then.. only the fathers..... then some babies were born "underwater"..... Mothers were incouraged to have the babys "all Natural".... just what is ALL NATURAL? Now, mothers say....epidural is the only way to go..... some were born in fancy rooms that days.... the babies are usually born in that "conversion" room place.....the family waits very patiently out in the hall....(if you believe that...then you are not very smart).... the new daddy walks out in the hall with the new cutie.... and is good. In the old identification tags were NOT promptly placed on everyone........ now it is like security around the White House...... thank goodness!

Remember when....we were told not to lay your baby on their back to fall asleep? Then we were told to lay your baby on their back to go to sleep...... at what age to begin feeding solid foods??? How long inbetween bowel movements......would be acceptable.........???? Cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers............. Tylenol? or not to Tylenol.......... Gas drops.....what are those? The infant seat that converts to their car seat???? Whats up with that? We used to just lay our babies on the seat of the car!! Breast sobee......enfamil..........choices, choices, choices...... organic food or just regular food.....

I think if you are a reasonably intelligent person.....then...all these new~fangled things are wonderful and make "raising" a baby very easy..........however, nothing changes the fact of "no sleep", "no privacy", "no money", "little sanity", "lots of stress"...... for atleast the next 18, actually.............Amanda is 25 years old........and we still experience all of this stuff... I think you start over again when you learn that grandchildren are on the way...........I am having fun. Nope.... I do not get much done around the house............ as long as Randy does not complain.... I will keep my sanity. I am always willing to drop whatever I am doing when the girls call.... I do not want to miss a minute of spending time with them or my grandchildren..... when my life is over here on this earth...... I am sure no one is going to say..."you know, I heard that she rarely cleaned her home....." The will KNOW where my prioritys were.......... my family! I love my daughters, sons in laws, Taylor, Nickolas............and allllll the rest.

Not enough time in the day.....oh well........ what really matters? Carpe Deim!! Live life to its fullest......... do what you want to do!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Once again, it's time.....

when you have to do some "spring" cleaning in the yard......... now, for the past 3 summers I have actually held down a job....go figure (that is not easy for me...ADD). The Ironman has been the one doing most of the outside chores. I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather of late and tackle a couple of challenges. #1.... the Ironman likes to usetools with power....lots of power. The hedges in front of our home have begun to look likea ski slope! I think when Randy got hold of the electric hedge trimmer..... he trimmed, and trimmed.....all at a slant.... so now I am trying to fix that..It took him 3 years to get it that way so it will take me awhile to fix it. #2... when we moved into this home about 9 years ago.... the yard was beautiful... I mean the grass....but... the 'ol big red oak tree has gotten ALOT bigger......I am gettin' pretty tired of describing my home to people declaring that "it is the home with a dirt front yard!!" so.... we are now seeding some, I go to TG know, a nursery. I took Ashley with me for support....we walked in....there were a couple of men talking (imagine that)... Ash and I stood there.... we stood there....we stood there.... then came another man... I will call him Bubba. Bubba never acknowledged us...but he made sure that he got his dip of skoal in his mouth....we stood there....we stood there....Bubba stood there...finally...the other employee, I will call him "not so cool guy".... thinks he is the brains of the operation. Finally...not so cool guy asked what we needed. Here is my chance... "I need some fescue seeds...thin blade....we would like the grass to end up being pretty dark if possible..." NSCG said "where ya gonna put it?" In the front see, we used to have "tiff" grass there but the BIG RED OAK has gotten so big that there is no grass...I said.............He you are going to have to putsome sort of border around the tree where you want the fescue or the burmuda is gonna take over!!!" Hello mr. not so cool guy....did you not hear me??? I said there is not any grass under there, so it will not matter....Mr. nscg said....well that burmuda will kill out any fescue you plant and you will need some sort of a border... Ash said....there is not any grass....I said there is not any grass....Bubba piped up and said ...there is not any grass! I think mr. nscg finally got it! So, on we go..... we get the fescue and some compost... Ash heads out to the car with another guy (he was very nice)...I stay in to pay.... ok..Mr. NSCG.. you are driving me took him forever....maybe I should just call him"Big Budda"...cause he thought he was "all that"!! So, I finally get to the car...sat down..and told Ashley..."That guy must have a little..........oh Shari stop!!!! I cannot tell you exactly what I said because I want this blog thing to be G rated.... Next time you see me...just ask what I always say when guys think they are "all that".... Now,Back on track...
Fescue planted...half of the hedge trimmed...still have other side of front hedge to arrived.....just what shall I do?? I had planned on finishing the I head out to the back yard to empty my trash cans..just so I can refill I stepped over all of the dead cannas (plants)...I thought...hmmmm...I think I will clean up these first..because they will drive me crazy if I have to walk over them all day...cut, cut, cut, cut...rake, rake, rake, Ash calls....where are you?....again....I start quickly explaining....again...just who is the parent.....Why, I am in the back yard cleaning....she says...oh, yuck....cause she knows what a mess it is...back to work....Amanda calls....same story........back to work......remember, I am I bounced around creating several different bigger messes....I decided I was hungry...what do I want....a Big Mac! What!! I never want a big mac..........and fries................yes, they sound good.........what! I never eat fries.... what is wrong with me...I think the sun is frying my brain... well..I do need to go buy some mulch for the flower beds...hmm... I could just go through the drive through at Mickey D' Shari.......... just eat lunch some more.....bend, stand, rake,bend, stand, rake....carry stuff to dumpster.......Big I could go to Walmart to get the mulch and since they have a Mickey D's inside, I will just take care of two things at once.... so off I go...

As I am driving to Walmart.... I have to stop at a red light... I look in my rear view mirror....the man behind me was driving a blue expedition...he reminded me of one of our former neighbors....slightly balding, mustache,, the arrow comes on for us to turn. I usually like to give myself a little room between myself and the car infront of me..I do not want to become a suppository......... so... I have not even had a chance to take my footoff of the brake and he began honking at me....the nerve of him.... I looked in my rearview mirror and saw his hands flailing in the air.....luckily, not the middle finger, I raised my hand in the know, like asking a question....he held his up again....once we turned....he blew passed know, giving me the I could have driven on top of the cars in front of me so he could get he passed....I noticed a big dent in his bumper.........hmmm.....I wonder........did some one get mad at him for taking off slow at a light? hmmmm........he looked stupid! If anyone knows this person...please tell him I would like to have a word! My guess is...he must havea little........ oh stop Shari......

So, I return from my adventure....start to work again....I could only think of 4 little creatures.....Amanda and Matts 2 dogs...Boston Terriers.....Baxter and Bella....AKA TheB's, Aka Killer B's, AKA Black and white units.....AND Ashley and Jeffreys 2 little dogs...are we call them the Baloneys....their names are Tabbitha Joe, and Roofus Jones......they are little brown dogs....AkA...Tabby Joe...Aka Roofy....Aka...Roofus R Jones, only when he is in trouble......... these dogs are adorable....most of the time.... they love our, I mean .... they LOVE our backyard....we now have NO grass in our backyard.....they own our backyard.....they are the best excavation crew any one could have!!Why is it that they always dig in the same spot?? They love to dig....I think they think that the backyard is "Stallog 13" and they are going to dig a tunnel down the alley to the golf freedom...and lots of places to peeeeeeeee! Not long ago....of course, another hole dug....Bella decided to rip open a bag of Kingsford Charcoals....wasn't that nice of her?....she even spread them out...and put some in the hole.... Amanda said that Bella just thought we needed a fire pit in the helpful. Today.... I picked up alot of reimnants of their adventures....stuffing from cushions, dog bones, paper they have shreadded......charcoals........everytime Roofy tee tees...he has to wipe off his feetby pushing every bit of mulch I have in one flowerbed out...he is just helping! I am goingto teach him how to push it back in someday! Baxter usually doesn't tear up much...but poor little guy,he has crazy eyes......he sees shadows....and he licks, he really LICKS I have some of the cleanest outside walls in Lubbock! Tabby Joe likes to flirt with "Fred" next door, he is a beagle....they bark alot....ALOT.....Baxter gets in on that too.... Now, Miss Bella can melt you with her big 'ol eyes....she kinda gets things started....and then looks at"what?"....She likes to tear up stuff....and chew on stuff.....and lick you in the face....that would be fine except....shhhh...she likes to eat her poop! So, ya gotta be careful when she gets close to your face!! Yes, reimnants are all around me as I work...each dog with their own personality.....Randy fills the holes that are dug.....the dogs empty them...he fills...they empty....we laugh....we chuckle about them.....we love them.....we clean up after I finished the back yard....Randy filled the holes again......he said....."yup, It will last til Sunday when the dogs are here".....then...he will fill them again...etc.etc.etc.....

I do not look pretty today.... I am not a pretty sight.....all day.... I have worn some baggy wind pants......ugly "tenny" shoes.......a tank top....a little too little tank I bend to and fro, up and down.... my pants ride down.... my underwear shows...I don't I know how those teen age boys feel....let them show, .....I'm working here....I am sure it was gross looking.... Ash came to see me..... I think to make sure I was really working like I told her I was....just checking up on me......... after she watched me a bit....she underwear shows...I proudly said....I know....and began walking around like a cool dude.....Mom....she are crazy........ I think heat stroke is setting in..... I am filthy....take a deep breath..........dirt......smells good......feels good.........nothing better than to look back over your hard work for the day...yes, it is worth it.... cannot wait til the dogs come back over.....Roofy will be so excited..he will not know where to pee first.... Bella will look for something to chew on....Randy and I are sure that our wicker furniture will be toothpicks by july.....Baxter will just see lots of shadows....his tongue will probably get a splinter in it.........Tabby Joe will keep her place at the fence barking at Fred.......all the while.... Sydney Ann (my dog) will sit by the back door...oversee this circus....and will wonder when the she will see taillights......Once is good! Spring is here...oh boy!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Once a parent......

always a parent! So, you spend twenty something years raising your kids..... you finally get them both married off............ we're free! Nope.........not true! So............ last night, Randy and I decided to head to Abuelo's for dinner. As usual, we always try to sit at the bar..... no particular reason we live in the Bible belt.......... there is usually an open spot.... you know how the Baptist and Church of Christ will drink you under the table if they are "out of town"....... however when they are in their hometown.......... they would not step foot in a bar! Ok... back on track........... when we sit in the bar......... I usually sit my purse down on the floor under my chair... so, thus.... I could not hear the cell phone!!! When it came time to pay our tab....... I picked up my purse and I could hear my phone sounding off!! It was Ashley....... when I answered.... she said......... "THERE YOU ARE"! Like I was trying to hide or something... I quickly started trying to defend myself by explaining where I was, who I was with, what I was doing, where my phone was..... hey wait..... who is the parent here?...... Well me of course.... so I said " what do you want"?............. (I sounded tuff didn't I?)......... She had tried to call me 5 times... hello.... maybe I was busy or something........ well............. she was calling for her sister, Amanda......... how sweet............ so here is the story.........

Amanda's husband, Matt, had a business trip this week to Tennessee........ so far in his 25 years... he does not have a good track record re: easy travelling.... he could write a book and tell you the don'ts on travelling......... like........NEVER TRAVEL IN MARCH! It all began on Monday, the day he was to leave..... Rain was a very "wet" rain....(just ask a farmer what a "wet" rain is)....... after wading to his would not start..... something with the key thingy( not a proper term). He called his sweet wife, Amanda.......... he was already running late and ask her to come get him so they could make it to the airport! As a good wife......she dropped everything (but not the baby Taylor) and headed over to get her lovin' man......... luckily she had all of his stuff laid out for the trip........ after a rush back home......Amanda checked the flight info and now the flight had been delayed......take a deep breath.........she eventually dropped him off at the airport where he would have plenty of time to sit and comtemplate just why he was travelling in March again..... not a good sign........ So... the week finally gets off to a better start... Amanda was able to work around the house and get more treasures put away (they just moved back from Amarillo)......... I kept the ToT on tuesday...... life is good.... well... once again, tragedy struck.... when I was keep Mr. T on tuesday....... Amanda thought it would be great to go to the ice cream baby to juggle, no stuff to have to carry into the house....just her ice cream... she pulls up to the store.... mouth watering..... dissappointment arrives.....the place does not open until 12 noon!! Oh well... maybe later! Wednesday arrives.... things on track....trying to get the house perfect for the return of her lovin' man.....he calls.........guess what.......cannot make connecting flight.......:( I think this is where the tears might have started flowing..... ok, screaming baby..... husband not coming back yet ....... relief is needed......... wednesday evening... get the tot ready for bed.....before last feeding......." I think I will head to the ice cream store", she said. Guess what...... her trail blazer would not start..... tears...... were they for: her husband not coming home as expected, were they for: loading the Tot and all the gear(not an easy task) for a trip to the ice cream store that would not happen ..........or.... the fact that, once again.....she was not going to get her "peanut butter and chocolate" ice cream in the lucious waffle cone!!! This is where her sister came to the rescue........... she was on a quest to find us so we could help her sister!!! I called Amanda immediately..........told her that Mom and Poppa would be there ASAP.......but first.......tell me what kind of ice cream she wanted... tears flowing.....don't worry about, tell me.....what do you want....I am going to get you some..... she blubbers out ~peanut butter and chocolate~ I said cup or cone.... she said"I was going to get a waffle cone...but don't worry about it because it will be alll melted by the time you get here....sniffle, sniffle".....oh man.... this being a parent thing never changes.... we could not get to the ice cream store fast enough.......... I got a quart and two waffle cones..........Randy and I got to the her home.... her eyes were swollen..... after hugs and kisses and the showing off of the ice cream...... there was her great big smile!!! Just what a parent wants and loves! I held the tot while she and her poppa headed out to do "car work"..... I think they figured out the lingo.... loose cable or is good! Taylor ready to eat............then tot to bed............then is really good!

Well, you never give up your role as a parent! I still call my parents often and ask them for help with this and that............ they always make it better.............they always make me smile! I am sure I will get many, many more S.O.S. calls from the girls.... I will always be ready to drop whatever I am doing..........i will be there dad~gummit...because.....ONCE A PARENT, ALWAYS A PARENT!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Ok... so I am married to an Ironman. Just what is an Ironman? The man I am married to....we sometimes call him the "Tin" man!.....kinda stiff!... ok.... so an Ironman is a person (women can be a Ironman too)...go figure........ that can leap tall buildings...oh no, that is superman....... an Ironman is a person that make great is a blacksmith....why do they call them that? it because the soot turns all the people named Smith black?.... ok.... back on track now..... An Ironman is an incrediable person..... they can do stuff that virtually very few people on this earth can do.... want a list? They average per day...during heavy training season..... 4 changes of socks, 4 changes of underwear, 1 swimsuit, 4 towels (my ironman uses only white ones???), 1 pair of bike shorts (they say you should never wear your bike shorts more than once because....shhhhh.... they wear them without underwear and some infection can occur it they are not careful), 1 bike jersey, 1 running shirt, sweats to wear over the swimsuit at the pool so the babes won't get too excited, usually atleast one jock strap....... all of this is over and beyond the "regular" clothes he wears to work to make money for his lovin' woman! Ok by now... you have figured that I did not actually describe what an Ironman is......what I described was what an Ironwife is responsible for..... we will touch on that later..... IRONMAN: SWIMS 2.4 MILES (in a torrent of hands flailing to and fro, grabbing and pulling), BIKES 112 MILES (through the scorching desert~if you are at ironman arizona) and then a mere RUN OF 26.2 MILES (check your history to find out what the point 2 is all about). Yes, I would say this is not an easy task. The training is not alot of fun......but it is fun to brag about! When my lovin' man finally got up the nerve to tell me that he wanted to try an ironman before he was 50....I never dreamed I would be doing so much laundry.... oh, enough about me.... I never dreamed the dedication that it took. My guy likes to buy books to learn how to do whatever activity he is undertaking..... so.....the swim stuff began appearing....I say stuff because there were books and dvd's.... now I have watched that swim video so many times that I could teach a swim class..... over the years I have watched Randy become "one with the water"..(the video uses that will find that I have found many uses for that term)..... When I go to the swimming pool with him..... I critique all the other swimmers...... I would love to tell them how to become one with the water.....but I am afraid they would ask me my credientials..... I would have to confess.... I am an Ironwife of course!! Ok... now the Bike thing.....last year during his training for AZ, he had to ride out in some of the worst sand storms of the century....just ask Greer.....he was with him for part of it...... after the wind blowing him over 2 times in one day.... he decided he needed a new "trainer" for the house..... now mind you.... in our marriage, he has already bought 3. But this is the "cool" model (remember what I said in the Garage Sale topic about the media and magazines.... damn them all), for Christmas.... Santa brought the deluxe model. He can actually ride an actual Ironman route...he has ridden that AZ route many times! Now, if you have never seen anyone ride a bicycle in the house for 5 hours at a time.... you have seen nothing!!!! The sweat does not evaporate off of him...... so thus, a puddle under the bicycle.....(hope it is not pee), you talk about becoming one with the water.....that is "one of the water". I have become very accustomed to walking around the two bicycles in the sunroom....and all the other stuff you need to ride indoors. Running..... now this is an easy one for me.........he just straps on his running shoes (no longer allowed to call them tenny shoes)...a few clothes and off he goes..... he wears this ankle band that gives MY information on it incase he becomes road kill (his term, not mine). I do however make sure he has it on when he leaves..... while he is out running......occasionally a car full of teens driving by him will yell out "run forrest run"...... he still gets a chuckle out of that!! Stupid kids..... he could run them all into the ground!!

Ok.... we (I use that term loosely) are gearing up for Arizona Ironman in April.....I feel a little better about it this year because I know what to expect.....I will have to feed my body accordingly...I have to sustain energy to edure the day..... it gets pretty hot out there.....I have to train by carring my chair, camera, backpack and beer all at the same time. ...and I have to be in the right spot at the right time to capture a photo of my man!! Some how.... I am running a 100% on being at the right place at the right time.....yes, I may just be the support staff... but I am, I am damn good!! It is not an easy job.... it reminds me of when I was a young girl.... we would go to the swimming pool..... and I would yell for Mom to watch me everytime I would jump in the, I learned the importance of being there when Randy yells..." see me???"

I would like to think that the laundry will calm down after AZ.... but then there is "Buffman and Squeaky", Ransom Canyon, Buffalo 70.3, west texas running club races......... it goes on and on..... but you know.... it is a pretty good life...... I am proud to say I am married to an Ironman.....actually, my cell phone...... if I say "Ironman" into the speaker.... it will actually call him...........................................Amanda and Ashley just die everytime I do that!!! Its great!!.. I pray that his body continues to let him enjoy this activity of "Ironmania"....because I dread the day he can no longer to it................he will drive me crazy.

One more note from me on this situation............ why is it when people inquire about running, biking or swimming................ they always ask me......... do you participate also???? Come on really..... JUST LOOK AT ME..... DO I LOOK LIKE I AM AN IRONMAN?????? I think not.... it is kinda like asking a woman when her baby is due and she is not pregnant....!!! Oh well.... only one of the draw backs......... mean while......... I have got to go change the laundry over.....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So.. once again... the dreaded garage sale... why do we put ourselves through these things? My life changes from day to day.... about 3 weeks ago, I took a trunk full of stuff to goodwill because I would probably never have a garage sale again. That said.....things change. I was out shopping for furniture with my friend Sherry see, she is having a bridal shower at her home in April... and as every woman knows...the house has to be redecorated! New furniture, paint...etc. So, she called on me for advice... now mind you....I am never short on advice.... so don't ask if you don't want to know my opinion. So, we were shopping..... somehow, I am the one that found a new all~leather black couch.....Randy knew life would be easier on him if he would just give in and buy it for me.... smart Randy! So..... his question to me was.... what are you going to do with the old one? Thus, the garage sale! Then..... we decided to re~decorate the sunroom..... out goes the pink couch with strawberries on it (I will save that story for another blog)! Within the week... I had PLENTY for a garage sale. Ash and I made the usual stop off at the newspaper to place an ad..... Ok.... now you have to understand it has been many, many years since I placed and ad for a garage sale. I am sure I did not pay over 7 dollars for the last one....well.....this time it was almost $28. buckaroos! After the heartattack.... they did tell me they would give me a "garage sale" kit! For that kinda money....they need to come sell my couch themselves!! So, Ash and I were off, proudly carrying our 4 wooden sticks and 4 small posters....... and the planning is moving forward. Where does all the junk come from for one of these things. All the "treasures" that one buys through out the years.... the special things....the money that is put out for these "treasures".... at what point do they become junk? I'll tell you..... its the medias fault.... and the cool magazines fault, they have the nerve to put forth all those ads for new products...that will make our lives fantastic and easier....yes, it is their fault! Well, that said....we progressed to the big day......Amanda, Ashley, Jeffrey and Matt (son in laws)....all pitched in...that is pitched in their "junk" (treasures)too. We could see the dollar signs.....and all of a sudden the junk became valuable treasures.... and yes, we traded some stuff amongst the late friday evening was coming to a close...getting ready for the big saturday morning start of the garage sale.....someone knocked on the door. Now, I must admit a fear rushed through me.....was it a neighbor.....or a family member coming to see if we were getting rid of any past gifts that they had given us.....Thank goodness it was an "unknown"....a complete stranger....yes! But no! I am not ready yet! $$$$$$$ yes I am....she was moving much too fast for my taste.....she bounced from one side of the garage to the other..."how much is this?" $2... I said....she said.....Oh....$1 dollar? No, I said $2!! I think the object of the game was for me to forget how much I told her....... well......$45 dollars later with Jeffrey loading up her truck ....she was off!! Thank goodness...better get a good night sleep so I can handle this type situation in the morning! Alarm rings, 5:45 a.m. ohhhhhh tooo early....this is stupid....why am I putting myself through this thing????? $$$$$$$ of course uggggg! Pull out the couch...pull out the other couch......and..........the other couch...(Matt and Amanda had a couch that they tried to give off to the garage weight atleast 500 lbs!) The computer table.....and the other computer table.............and the most valuable treasures on earth......the misc. junk! By now........Matt had obviously had all he wanted of this garage sale! But much to his dismay.....7:45 first customers......first purchase was his prized suede jacket he had been saving since his first year of high school...$$$$ He decided to look at this situation differently....then some of his wifes old posters..... cool.....his song of the day.." we're in the money.....we're in the money....etc" . Well so far so one I know has come over YET! You know, it is one of those deals where you want to get rid of this stuff.....but you do not want any of your friends to know it came out of your home...... they might just decide that I am a gross person or something....well heck.....why am I getting rid of it anyway? So I will not be a gross person.... so there..... Yes, it was a fun day.......Matt and Amanda sold their couch for $25 bucks.......(of course the sign started out at $75 so we could mark it down).....the other two couches started out at $200. each.........then $175. then $150....... well... only sold one of those a lady whose husband just had rotator cuff surgery......$125!!! Yeah..........I told her that I was blessed with two son in laws that could handle the first class delivery!! Now Matt grumbled..........because I took less and did not charge her a delivery charge.....always the salesman......but like a trooper........he helped his mother in law deliver the couch and carry it in the ladys home....Jeffrey, I am sure, was grateful he was still at work when this took place..... Matt~atleast we did not have to deliver your 500 lb couch!!! I owe ya one! Gran made an appearance and used all of her garage sale skills to try to make some good sales for us.......... she tried hard to sell the pink couch.....thanks Gran for trying..... I really think Gramps would love to have it in his sunroom....:) Success..........we made, together, about $650....not bad for a few hours work!! However, if you add up the retail that we allllll spent on the treasures........I am sure it would have been atleast $500,000..........hmmmm........ no more garage sales for me!!! I have had enough.........I still have the pink couch......... anyone interested? I plan on being very cautious with what I I will be never considered gross again............ well..until I find a new couch again.....................Love, Shari P.s. if you noticed someone was missing on during the garage sale.....Randy just happened to be busy with a west texas running club race and then had a 5 hour bike ride and a 1 hour run......somehow, I feel he got the better end of the deal!!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12th, 2007

2007!! Where did that come from? Ok... so I am on the path to being a "hip" granna.... no, not a granna with "HIPS"...well, I have hips... hopefully not big hips.... ok, Shari.... get back on path... hmmm... so Randy and I have a friend named Mike Greer.... well, he is known in the "Ironman" circle as "Greer"... so, you see, he writes this thing on the internet called a blog... so, seeing how he is a bit (just trying to make him feel younger) older than I am.... I figure I could get on the band wagon as he does. He and I actually can carry on an indepth convo re: Presidents of the United States of America... ok, back on path... so Greer writes this blog thing that can be very interesting... however, the only time Randy draws my attention to Greers blog is when he is mentioned in it!! If you want to read some of Greers ramblings you can view them at, I am sure you will get a chuckle out of them as we do.

I just figured that my brain is always so full that this is a way to empty it occasionally. I am now 47 years old. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, however, this granna thing is pretty cool. Taylor Bradley Craft is now a new love in my life!! He is now 5 months old and he is now known as "a ladies man".... he loves the ladies!! He has learned to flirt quite well!! So, after Randy and I having two daughters.... this boy thingy is a bit different. Just what is a "pee-pee-tee-pee"? Well let me tell you... you never had to have that with a girl baby!! And I now know a new term.... "yankee-doodle".... no, it is no longer a song.... its a poop! Not a poop in a diaper...oh no, it could not be that easy..... it is one that sneaks out on you when you have the diaper off and you see the trap door open.... yes, it should scare the be-jeezes out of you.... it peers out from the deep...then when you least expect it.. it shoots out!! I was informed by the baby's mom, my daughter Amanda, that Taylor "yankee-doodled" twice in the bathtub the other day!! I am sure I will learn alot more and I know you will be glad because I intend on sharing this new vocabulary with you! Our other daughter, Ashley, is expecting a little boy in May....his name, Nickolas Lee Williams.... so, as you can imagine.... having two grandsons will be an adventure. Randy had declared our home as a "no video game home". He said refrigerator boxes only!! I hope he will be able to crawl around on the floor to play with them.... we do call him the "tin man"...he does not bend very well!! I can get down on the floor.... but it is harder to get up....hmmmm.........the adventure is just beginning.

Tomorrow, I get to baby sit the youngster Mr. T..... I will let you know if I learn anything new... Iam sure grandpa (aka Randy) will call several times to check on us....Amanda will call several times to make sure we are alright....good thing gran (my mom) is in Dallas this week, or she would call to make sure we are alright........and I am sure gigi (aka Ashley) will stop by.....just to check on us..... you would never know that I raised two babies .... times have changed!

I look forward to sharing my "inner" most ramblings with you all.... only if I can figure out how to set this blog thingy up correctly..... so keep checking......Shari


April 2006